CERN & Time Travel Experiments

The original purpose of the pyramids was to raise consciousness around them. In their own sense, they are mass evolution machines that have been used for good and bad.

The current system we have is trying to use it to suppress us.


The pyramid – in its day – was the height of its expression. The large hadron collider we have today is the height of the expression of hierarchical order. Continue reading

CERN Revocation

I, in the ever-present, co-creative moment, in a now full-understanding that this reality has more than two options, and I am now making a choice to include an entire menu of other options.

CERN, which this I AM presence has now identified as the menu that says “only hamburgers or vegetarian – that is your choice”.

We are now going to add a new choice that says science, defined by propaganda cannot define my spiritual nature through quantum entanglement by theory never proven as fact.

This is a photonic reality of Light, not a mathematical scientific formula holographically created by a scientist. It is not. Continue reading

Placebo & CERN

What they say about CERN that it has given you the god particle and this or that — it is using the placebo effect and all the scientists that had bought into that reality and all the people in one degree of separation of the scientists, who do mathematically understand it bud don’t grasp what it is doing. Continue reading

Pyramids & CERN

The pyramids were controlled by as many as 70 different organizations, all separate organizations. Each trying to capture them throughout history.

What CERN did, it refined it down to a handful of buildings instead of a whole bunch of buildings.

When the large hadron collider is turned on, it creates this donut ring around it that goes by six. There is also six other hadron colliders that are around our world that create an enveloping bubble. That’s the enveloping bubble that is the greatest harm to our species.


There’s 633 separate experiments at CERN right now and they are all called belief system control system. CERN itself is a dimension teleport system to import a belief system. And a belief system … has an artificial intelligence behind it.

The AI is linked to the dreaming mind of another planet. So they’re literally making a planet have 2 personalities and then taking one of the personalities out of that planet and then bringing it here as part of the belief system and enforce that system.

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