3 Timelines

Planet Earth has 3 timelines: Above – Below – Center.
Planet Earth was literally set up with three timelines, where all the other planets in our solar system – 66 planets – only have a single timeline.

The Above Timeline is where the high dimensional entities can come in and act as guides or ascended masters.

The Below Timeline is where new, young spirits choose to become animal spirits in the food chain, and they live here till they gain enough sentience to get on to the Center Timeline – which is the Graduation Timeline – and than graduate into having human bodies.

The Center Timeline is the graduating timeline. This is the timeline where you literally go through your ascension process and learn what all your soul codes mean. And you learn about the responsibility of having a having a skin suit that can go to anywhere in the universe, even to places that aren’t created yet. There hasn’t been a graduating class in 410,000 years; that means, people are not necessarily ascending and leaving. They are stuck in the re-incarnational process.

The graduating timeline on Earth is literally the one that teaches the other species how to raise children, how to be mothers and fathers.
If you have an 80’000 year old being that has never had a child before, she is not going to know how to be pregnant. They may be inclined to stick it into a test-tube for 100 years and then pull it out and go: “Okay, you are an adult now!”

– Well, no, this is not going to work, the youngest part of the child is where you bond with it.
We are going to be that, because our DNA is going to able to intermix with any of those species that are out there. That was Prime Creators whole concept.

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