How Our Race Has Been Enslaved

You enslave a race by taking away its language, its history, its memories, its identity. In the case of the Human race our identities as fractal emisssaries of Prime Consciousness has been undermined through the modification of our source code … our DNA.

You know who you are when a breeze finds you on the hottest day, when a ray of sunlight reveals the almost unbearably luminous hue of color in a flower. You know who you are in light from your child’s eyes. You remember when the great golden orb of light brings the day. You remember it was not always like this … the suffering that has come to be the human state.

The original innocence of our root race embodied the love frequency as its central cohesive energy. In this sense we were and still are a more advanced race than our technologically skilled captors. Evolution is not measured by the advancement of ecocidal technology, but by our ability to comprehend, resonate and cooperate with the frequency of creation.

— Juliet Carter, The Template,

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